Undergraduate Research In Computer Graphics:
Game Engine Design
Miami University, Spring 2019
CSE 491 Undergraduate Research.
Directed Study about Game Engine Design, advised by Professor Eric Bachmann. The objective of this project is to refine the starting codes of homework for the course CSE387 Game Engine Design to give future students a better start of studying this topic.
The original game engine is made with C++, SDL, OpenGL, GLSL, Bullet Physics Engine, FMOD sound Engine, and Assimp.
According to Professor Eric Bachmann's requirement, I have completed the followings:
- Replaced the SDL with GLFW.
- Refined the multiple cameras' functionality.
- Added the functionality of bump mapping and normal mapping.
- Added the UI system with the AntTweakBar GUI library.
- Added the functionality of scene switching, including loading and unloading imported models.
Latest version of CSE 491
Bump Mapping
Texture Mapping
Bump Mapping
Normal Mapping
The latest version of CSE 387.
The original version of CSE 491
Normal Mapping